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Controversy Over Number 44 On German National Football Team Jerseys

Controversy Over Number 44 on German National Football Team Jerseys

German Football Federation Modifies Number Design

Adidas Bans Customized Jerseys with Number 44

In recent days, social media has been buzzing with a controversy surrounding the font used on the German national football team's jerseys. The font of the number 4 and the option for custom-printed jerseys with the number 44 have sparked a debate.

The German Football Federation (DFB) and Adidas have discontinued the sale of German jerseys bearing the number 44 due to its resemblance to Nazi imagery. Adidas prohibited fans from customizing jerseys with the number 44 after media outlets raised concerns about its potential association.

On Monday, the DFB announced a change in design for the number 4 on their new jerseys. The original font, which resembled the number used by the SS division of Nazi Germany, has been replaced with a more traditional design.

The controversy highlights the sensitivity surrounding the use of symbols and imagery associated with Nazi Germany. The number 44 is significant in this context as it was the Waffen-SS division responsible for perpetrating atrocities during World War II.

The DFB and Adidas have acted swiftly to address the concerns raised. Their decision to modify the jersey design and ban customized jerseys with the number 44 demonstrates their commitment to preventing any association with Nazi ideology.
